WET HANABI Opponent's Total Power 368858
ID: 29071221 3-2-2-3A(S) Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1223 0 0 0 0 0 0 4158 4909 3973 4805 5907 S.99 Blitz Catch
S.99 Flying Catch
S.99 Tenacious Fine Save
A.80 One-Handed Catch
S.99 One-Handed Catch
1247 3864 2022 3810 4825 4556 4503 3428 4228 3881 0 0 S.99 Owl Intercept
S.99 Scramble Defence
S.99 The Workman's Trick Pass
S.99 Artistic Interception
S.99 Hedgehog Tackle
1098 2560 1948 2695 4557 4057 4500 2764 3024 3142 0 0 S.99 Hard Contact Intercept
S.99 Double Tackle
S.99 Diving Head Block
A.80 Perfect Cross
S.99 Feinting Dribble
1143 3999 1656 3676 4142 4644 3838 3409 3325 2959 0 0 S.99 I'll send my rivals flying!
S.99 High-Power Block
A.80 High-Power Dribble
A.80 See what I'm REALLY made of!
S.99 Launch Tackle
1301 4657 4505 4789 4811 3222 5034 4095 3999 4091 0 0 S.99 Step Swing Feed
S.99 Aerial Double and A Half Twist Interception
S.99 Killer Tackle
S.71 Kickback Intercept
S.99 High-Speed Slalom
1174 4356 1688 4327 3927 3060 4077 3394 2258 3008 0 0 S.99 High-Speed Slalom
S.99 Cracking Pass
S.99 Unmatched Interception
S.99 Swift Interception
S.99 Feinting Dribble
1252 4323 4808 4302 4109 1941 4110 3663 4231 4109 0 0 S.99 Bianco Nero Charge
S.99 Delpi Zone Shot
S.99 Sharp Ceaseless Stepping
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
1239 4381 3622 4246 4258 3188 4309 3480 3113 3756 0 0 S.99 Raiju Pass
S.99 Stop Messing Around in My Turf!
S.99 Mysterious Bird Interception
S.99 Germanic One-Two Header
S.99 High-Power Tackle
1233 4255 5171 4647 4219 1941 4215 3508 4750 3485 0 0 S.99 Line Breaker Shot
S.99 Bianco Nero Charge
S.99 Sharp Ceaseless Stepping
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Swift Interception
1277 4498 4587 4414 4278 2028 3994 3262 3704 3378 0 0 S.99 Fire Header
S.99 Fire Step
S.99 Fire Pass
S.99 Kaiser Tackle
S.99 Flaming Interception
1334 5147 5158 4903 4796 2337 4428 4111 4625 4008 0 0 S.99 Munich Crossfire
S.99 Levin Turn
S.99 Aurora Curtain
S.99 Munich Combination
S.99 New Levin Pass