
Catalonia Opponent's Total Power 2240284
ID: 80020921 4-1-4-1 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 26441 26412 26422 26420 26420 S.99 Clever Catch
S.99 Catalonia's Iron Wall
S.99 Tenacious Fine Save
S.99 Super Punch
1800 23423 23417 23437 23433 23429 23442 23421 23444 23427 0 0 S.99 High-Tech Dribble
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Snake Mark
S.99 Sneak Attack Intercept
S.99 Snake Tail Block
1800 23409 23441 23417 23419 23438 23440 23444 23421 23409 0 0 S.99 Feinting Dribble
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Double Tackle
S.99 Hard Contact Intercept
S.99 Diving Head Block
1800 23431 23417 23417 23404 23429 23417 23405 23438 23442 0 0 S.99 Dump Truck Dribble
S.99 Strong Pass
S.99 Intense Tackle
S.99 Strong Intercept
S.99 Gonzalez Block
1800 23443 23409 23440 23419 23425 23411 23419 23413 23417 0 0 S.99 High-Power Dribble
S.99 Crush Tackle
S.99 Counter Intercept
S.99 Gutsy Block
1800 23435 23412 23435 23404 23409 23404 23425 23425 23433 0 0 S.99 Triple Step
S.99 Ruler Pass
S.99 High-Speed Pass Work
S.99 Diversionary Defence
S.99 Foot Swing Intercept
1800 23415 23423 23445 23440 23419 23423 23437 23417 23443 0 0 S.99 Precise Shot
S.99 Precise Pass
S.99 Speed Dribble
S.99 Strong Tackle
1800 23415 23411 23427 23439 23408 23415 23433 23411 23410 0 0 S.99 The Golden Left Leg of Victory
S.99 Flapping Dribble
S.99 Golden Hawk Pass
S.99 Superspeed Submarine Defence
S.99 Sky Hawk Intercept
1800 23433 23404 23435 23427 23413 23442 23421 23404 23435 0 0 S.99 Legend of Catalonia
S.99 Rivaul Turn
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 New Golden Duo
S.99 Submarine Defence
1800 23429 23413 23423 23443 23425 23406 23435 23410 23425 0 0 S.99 Precise Shot
S.99 Duel Dribble
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Speed Tackle
S.99 Return Intercept
1800 23443 23405 23406 23405 23431 23421 23444 23425 23446 0 0 S.99 Bullet Shot
S.99 Smashing Header
S.99 Sliding Finish
S.99 Feinting Dribble
S.99 Long-Legged Tackle