All Japan

All Japan Opponent's Total Power 16879
ID: 41070111 4-1-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 191 186 187 197 C.1 Jumping SGGK Catch
C.1 SGGK Catch
C.1 Jumping SGGK Double Punch
C.1 SGGK Punch
999 169 170 175 181 164 170 171 162 168 0 0 C.1 Razor Pass
C.1 Razor Dash
C.1 Razor Interception
C.1 You won't escape my markin'!
C.1 Razor Block
999 190 183 191 179 178 185 173 169 189 0 0 C.1 Flying Drive Pass
C.1 Magnificent Footwork
C.1 Noble Interception
C.1 Technical Defence
C.1 Jump Block
999 167 169 168 190 190 171 160 193 162 0 0 C.1 See what I'm REALLY made of!
C.1 I'll send my rivals flying!
C.1 High-Power Block
C.1 Those little tricks ain't gonna work!
C.1 High-Power Dribble
999 162 163 169 164 190 165 161 162 160 0 0 C.1 Mad Pass
C.1 Mad Dribble
C.1 Determined Intercept
C.1 Face Tackle
C.1 Face Block
999 184 176 178 185 177 176 173 175 178 0 0 C.1 Full Power Eagle Shot
C.1 Eagle Pass
C.1 Eagle Step
C.1 Eagle Intercept
C.1 Diligent Defence
999 187 177 180 176 175 184 183 160 184 0 0 C.1 Non-Stop Rovesciata
C.1 Dropkick Pass
C.1 Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint
C.1 Bob and Weave Interception
C.1 Bob and Weave Defence
999 195 192 194 188 188 194 189 181 199 0 0 C.1 Golden Twin Shot
C.1 Supernatural Two-Stage Aerial Overhead Kick
C.1 Golden Duo
C.1 Flying Drive Pass
C.1 Rivaul Turn
999 191 178 196 176 164 196 175 168 194 0 0 C.1 Golden Twin Shot
C.1 Green-Cut Pass
C.1 Excellent Artistic Dribble
C.1 Overhead Interception
C.1 Artistic Tackle
999 176 194 174 183 173 168 174 187 180 0 0 C.1 Winning Neo Tiger Shot
C.1 Overhead Tiger
C.1 Jumping Tiger Volley
C.1 Tiger Dribble
C.1 Fierce Tiger Tackle
999 172 180 170 165 164 170 191 164 168 0 0 C.1 Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick
C.1 Super-Low Flying Falcon
C.1 Falcon Pass
C.1 Falcon Intercept
C.1 High-Speed Dribble