Smart Heel Pass B

Sem efeito especial.
A special move used by Xavii, the young hope of Catalonia. He lofts the ball and jumps to dodge an opponent tackle, sending a heel-kick pass toward a teammate while the ball is still in the air behind him.
Rank.: B Type: Passe Video:
Rank. Min: Nv.1 Max: Nv.60
Força Min: 18800 Max: 31300
Energia necessária Min: 180 Max: 180
Ratio Min: 1.04 Max: 1.74
Blow Off: 0 Falta: 0%
Distance Decay yes
Power by Level


Players with Smart Heel Pass

i p Total O D P S ...
DMF,OMF 1385 146709 48938 37159 60612 0